
Electric Means

There are minutes and seconds, clocks that are warning, breakfast in tiffany and penny royal teas, bread, cheese and bacon, fake tones are learning, how say good morning being in disagree, cigarettes counts, hills of disillusions, functional function, mute distraction beats, loud destruction fouls, want the whole, not the middle of the kake, beds of Sade, liquid dreams, solid things, called basis, or maybe trends, trees stand in the sun, green guns, knights of hopes, dulcineas, student Faustus, Cinderellas working faster, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, separated in many matters, checkpoint Charlies, paradigmas, aufwidersehen, До свидания, robin hood and lady Marians, спасибо, gracias, merci, danke, xie xie, arigato, stacatos, ofencivas, robberies and murders, jealousies, close cases, X-files, james bonds, big bangs, big bands, holed spoons, monuments to the loons, such talent, game saloons, lucky numbers, red ascensions, same directions to the stars, secrets jars, candy man, Freddy Krüger, Jason, Mason, shining fugas, reggae, punk, disco, jazz, blues, soka, salsa, tango, polka, flamenkillos and fandangos, tarantellas, note en vela, Gypsy and Romes, no one land, rio bravo, Patagonia, alpes, andes, glory and gloria, many names, many places, scar faces, lola rent, stories without end.... Electric means, nails to eat, rice and beans, really high tension, eighty nines, seventeens, huckleberry finns, peter pans that never ever left the earth, Fantomas, Jack Cousteaus, cinemas paradiso, Donald ducks, löwenzähnen, axterix, obelix, sent faxes, testaments, scarlet letters, yellow fellows, submarines, speed torpedos, panic room for little princes, baobabs, lonely roses, bureaucracy, the penthouses, memories do will remember, writers tell us some few truths, entertainment, club for members, sacrament, la santa cruz, many religions, godnesses, evilnesses, blablanesses, casting auditions, suspense on science fiction, pretending final fantasy for you conclusion.

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